
Course categoryAbout Moodle
Moderator: Rebecca Bahrmann
Manager: Heike Koch


Course categoryAbout Moodle

In this Moodle room, you can try out anything.

Moderator: Heike Koch

Business Resilience Standards E-learning course

Course categoryGuest Courses

This e-learning course on Business Resilience Standards is designed to provide the users with the necessary knowledge to effectively and efficiently apply Business Resilience Standards. The standards covered will be:

  • ISO 31000/ISO TR 31004/IEC 31010 Risk management
  • ISO 22301/ISO 22313 Business Continuity Management
  • ISO 27000 series of standards: Information Security Management Standards
  • ISO 28000 series of standards: Supply Chain Management
  • ISO 45000 series of standards: Occupational Health and Safety Management
  • ISO 56000 series of standards: Innovation
  • ISO 56000 series of standards: Innovation
Manager: Heike Koch

ARTICAL| Programa 17043 EA

Course categoryARTICAL

Proveer un programa de apoyo técnico dirigido a los laboratorios vinculados a las entidades coordinadoras de red que contribuya a la acreditación como proveedor de ensayos de aptitud (ISO/IEC 17043). 

Manager: Heike Koch

Economic Benefits of Standards

Course categoryEconomic Benefits of Standards

Here you will find recordings and supporting material of the seminar “Economic Benefits of Standards” which took place from 6 - 8 July 2021.

Manager: Heike Koch

Economic Benefits of Standards - ASEAN

Course categoryEconomic Benefits of Standards

Here you will find recordings and supporting material of the seminar “Economic Benefits of Standards” which took place from 6 - 8 July 2021.

Manager: Heike Koch

Maintaining HPLC Systems - Guest version

Course categoryHPLC

This course introduces you to preventative maintenance and qualification of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Systems.

Moderator: Rebecca Bahrmann
Manager: Heike Koch

Maintaining HPLC Systems 2022

Course categoryHPLC

This course introduces you to preventative maintenance and qualification of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Systems.

Manager: Heike Koch

Maintaining HPLC Systems 2023

Course categoryHPLC

This course introduces you to preventative maintenance and qualification of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Systems.

Manager: Heike Koch

Maintaining HPLC Systems 2023/2

Course categoryHPLC

This course introduces you to preventative maintenance and qualification of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Systems.


Course categoryIndonesien MiC Projekt
Manager: Heike Koch